Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sunday, June 15 @ 10:00am:

Not that God has listened to or answered any of our prayers, but if we have just one final one, it would be that he stops making our little guy suffer. Doctors and nurses are continually caring for his body, pumping more and more medication into his little veins, but as this point, why? It is just a vessel. Our Sawyer has already moved on. Please stop prolonging this pain for my baby. Just let him go.


  1. This picture made my heart sink. I'm so sorry that you are going through this.

  2. My heart is breaking for you and your family. I cannot even begin to fathom what you are going through, my heart breaks for you, from one mommy to another. You and,your family are continuously in my prayers. Xoxo

  3. I love you all. Havent and wont stop praying for you friend. God has his arms wrapped tightly around you, I pray you feel His presence.

  4. My heart breaks for you Matt. I will never understand why things like this happen. You and yours are in my heart, mind and prayers everyday.

  5. My heart just shattered. To say I am sorry seems so empty and generic. Just know that so much love is going with your baby, wrapping him up and helping him to move on and that love will go with him and stay with him. You, Kellie, Logan and Sawyer have been in my thoughts non stop. Hold on tight to each other and may little Sawyer find peace.

  6. It's times like this that we are useless to offer
    anything more than our love and prayers. I'm
    a CG Mom and want you to know your family
    has been in my prayers from the start.. Bless you all.

  7. Matt,it's Brandon Barber. PLEASE call or text me ASAP!! I'm here for you brother, and I will come over to be with you and your family as soon as you call. I am SO SORRY this is happening. I don't know really what else to you bro. 909-579-9494

  8. There are no words to describe how heartbroken and sorry I am. I love you all so very very much and am holding you all in my thoughts and prayers

  9. Have they given you the option of taking him home on Hospice? I lost my little girl to cancer and the hospital was very reluctant to stop "treatment" and send her home. Hospice will manage his pain and let you be together at home. Ask your social worker for a referral. I'm a friend of Kristen Frish's, and she can get you my number if you want to talk to someone who's been through this.
    -Prajna Faux
