Friday, June 13, 2014

Logan came in yesterday to see his little brother. He was joined by his younger cousin, Abby. Here at Loma Linda they have a Child Life Specialist who brings in younger siblings or family members and discusses with them what exactly is happening. They take pictures and talk about the tubes and machines and all of their functions. It's really a great idea. The rep, Wendy, was awesome and so patient. Logan asked some really great questions and surprised us all by knowing more about the machines than we expected.

When we brought him into the room he talked to Sawyer a bit, but was afraid to be too loud. I could tell he was avoiding Sawyer's face as he spoke too. I asked him if it was a little weird to see his brother looking so different, and he responded with, "Yea I don't want to look at him anymore, he looks gross." So he just sat in the room, colored him a picture, and explored more of the machines. We thought it was important for Logan to see his baby brother again, and even more important for Sawyer to hear that his big brother loves and misses him. Sawyer is always asking, "Go see Abby?" So it was also great for Abby, who wasn't phased at all by Sawyer's appearance, to let him know she was there.


By the way...#prayingforsawyer has received an amazing amount of reposts! Thank you Miss Jennifer for gaining so much more support!

1 comment:

  1. Tear!! Hello Pennino Family, please know that your OC cousins are thinking of you, sending good vibes and positive thoughts your way. The Atwell Family.
